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Over the last few decades we’ve seen a steady stream of amazing women emerge who have all dedicated themselves to their work and realising their dreams. Highly successful woman have been noted not just for what they’ve done, but who they are.

Michelle Obama, Sheryl Sandberg, Arianna Huffington, Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Ellen Degeneres and Beyonce to name just a few, have all had to overcome stereotypes, unfair laws and male-skewed workplace practices to achieve their dreams, paving the way for more women to follow suit.

While every successful woman will have her own definition of success, we’ve discovered 8 things they have in common… And that they never do: 

1. They Never Listen to Their Inner Critic

Controlling your thoughts, rather than letting them control you, is key to breaking through mental barriers. Learning how to manage your emotions and switch negative self-talk to positive, is extremely powerful and a common skill all successful individuals have mastered.

Choose to focus your attention on what is going well in your life, rather than dwell on mistakes or set-backs. The quicker you learn to “switch” your thoughts to ones that support you, the quicker you’ll attract success.

2. They Never Give In To Their Fears

If you want to be successful, then having the courage to confront your fears is a non-negotiable. Don’t waste your time or energy trying to avoid what makes you anxious.

The reality is, your fears aren’t going away. Instead, you need to face them head on and move through them, one step at a time. With each step you’ll gain certainty and confidence, until eventually that fear you’ve been avoiding is something you’ve successfully overcome.

3. They Never Wait for Perfection

If you’re waiting for the perfect thing to show up - the perfect job, the perfect situation, or even the perfect person - then the truth is, you’ll be waiting forever.

Once you realise this fact, you’ll start achieving a whole lot more and will get more meaningful work done every day.

4. They Never Pass Up An Opportunity

Often the best way to be successful is to do the things others are not willing to do. Start by identifying the projects or tasks that others hesitate to do. Whatever it is, whether small or large, do it well and you’ll instantly set yourself apart from the rest.

5. They Never Avoid Conflict

There are people who avoid conflict and confrontation because they fear it comes with aggression or always blows up into something they can’t handle. The truth is, conflict can disguise itself in many forms and sneak up on you.

Be aware of any behaviour from others that is attempting to manipulate your thoughts or emotions. Once your recognise conflict for what it is, you can make a choice on how you react to it, rather than avoid it out of fear or ignorance.

6. They Never Fail To Stay in Control

Strong leaders control their own destiny because they see success or failure as something over which they are in control. There is no such thing as becoming a successful woman, purely from good luck.

Control your own destiny by taking up opportunities that will improve your life, work, happiness and current situation. Then, you’ll be more likely to attract the success that you work so hard for.

7. They Never Blame Their Past

There are definitely mistakes from our past that can hurt, but instead of focusing on the pain they caused, look at them as learning opportunities that taught you something about yourself and helped you to grow. You can also benefit from friends and colleagues who have also made mistakes — and learn from them, too.

Your past does not define you, but rather prepares you for your road to success.

8. They Never Give Up

The average person tends to give up whenever times get tough. However, believing life will simply accommodate our demands, and allow us to achieve our goals, is unrealistic. Life is neither for, or against us. So determining the direction our life takes, is not decided by life itself, but rather by us.

We hold the power, regardless of the challenges that turn up.

When successful women are faced with challenges, they simply stand their ground, work smarter and persist with a never give up attitude firmly in place.

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